I always remember a future oriented, sociology course I took as an undergraduate student which involved a lot of time reading and discussing how we, individually and collectively, were going to manage all the leisure time that would be coming down the pipeline as a result of a technological revolution underway. As it turned out, for most of us, the three day work week, predicted by the intellectual pundits of the day, has tended to look a lot more like 24/7 notwithstanding the advances in technology, and the last couple of weeks at CASN’s National Office has definitely fallen into the busy but exciting end of the work week continuum.
I would like to highlight one of the energizing initiatives that has been keeping us busy in recent weeks because it involves input from CASN’s membership. Our five year strategic plan will be coming to an end in December, and CASN’s Board of Directors has begun the strategic planning process for 2014-2019. To date, this has included an environmental scan, preliminary consultations with stakeholders and member schools, and a full day visioning session last week by the Board of Directors resulting in an initial draft of priorities and directions.
Looking ahead, nursing education may be facing something of a turning point period given the emergence of shifting and conflicting societal and health system trends. Rather than attempting to manage a projected future, however, as happened in the sociology class of my youth, CASN Board members have been asking what impact the organization should have in shaping this future. Over the next three months, we will be seeking feedback on the initial directions that emerged in this visioning process from CASN members in face to face meetings across the country. The broader, guiding question, however, is still open, and we welcome faculty members’ thoughts on the impact CASN should have between 2014 and 2019. Reflections on this strategic issue or any other related comments can be sent by email either to me directly (cbaker@casn.ca) or to Kristine Crosby (kcrosby@casn.ca) who is providing administrative support to the strategic planning committee.
Looking forward to receiving your reflections and ideas
Cynthia Baker