As we are well into the New Year, I have paused to reflect on the past year at CASN.
The past year has been busy and a very fruitful one as we have been working at the internal, national, and international level!
CASN has undergone major revisions to some of its key documents to ensure we are staying ahead of the ever evolving health care system. In the last year, CASN created and adopted a new Strategic Plan which will guide our activities until 2018. The CASN Accreditation Standards underwent a major review process and have been updated and revised. We are excited about the direction these very important guiding documents have taken and would like to thank all of you who provided input!
At the national level, we were privileged this year to provide venues for experts in nursing education from across Canada to meet, including CASN’s annual Council Meeting as well as the CASN/CNA Nursing Education Summit. With the health care system in flux, we heard a call from attendees at the CASN Council meeting and at the Nursing Education Summit that it is a pivotal time in nursing education – a time to not only examine our entry-to-practice nursing programs, but to provide new nurses with the skills needed to be influential in shaping the future health care system.
From Bangladesh to Haiti – CASN has been working around the globe to promote quality nursing education. Canadian Schools of Nursing are often looked to as champions in providing quality nursing education. Our Schools of Nursing work tirelessly to ensure patient safety and improve the health and well-being of Canadians by continuously increasing the quality of nursing education in Canada. Other countries are noticing this success and want to learn from our experience. CASN is proud to represent nursing education in Canada in international venues.
Please send CASN your comments and feedback on this topic on our Facebook page through direct message – subject “Setting a New Course”
Send us comments on Twitter to @CASN43 and include #SettingaNewCourse
As always, we look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Cynthia Baker, RN, PhD.
Executive Director, CASN