2008-2009 Nursing Education in Canada Statistics, 2008-2009.

Media Advisory
Nursing student/faculty report released 

December 3, 2010 – A new report released by the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) and the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) will be released today. Nursing Education in Canada Statistics, 2008-2009, shows that nursing entry-to-practice programs reached a 10-year high, with 14,010 students seeking to become registered nurses (RN). It also reveals a striking variety of educational models and an important 67.7% jump in fast-track programs from last year. These developments are good news as the country continues to experience a shortage of registered nurses.

Who: Canadian Nurses Association and Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing

When: December 3, 2010, 12:00 EST

Why: The report helps support CNA’s mandate to promote high standards of nursing practice, education, research and administration in order to achieve quality nursing care in the public interest.

CNA is the national professional voice of registered nurses in Canada. A federation of 11 provincial and territorial nursing associations and colleges representing 139,893 registered nurses, CNA advances the practice and profession of nursing to improve health outcomes and strengthen Canada’s publicly funded, not-for-profit health system. 

CASN is the national voice for nursing education, research, and scholarship and represents baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs in Canada.

For more information, contact:

Bobbi Jaimet, Manager of Knowledge Dissemination
Canadian Nurses Association
613-697-7507 mobile
E-mail: bjaimet@cna-aiic.ca

Siobhan Bond, Communications Program Officer
Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing
613-235-3150 ext. 23
Email: sbond@casn.ca