CASN Meets with Indonesian Delegation

indonesiaforAugnewsletter2010The Government of Indonesia is currently preparing a new system for the accreditation of health professional education, including medicine, dentistry, nursing and midwifery. To help with this endeavor, the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) was pleased to meet with representatives from the Indonesian National Nurses Association, the Indonesian Nursing Education Institutions Association and Indonesia’s Ministry of National Education July 27-28, 2010 to discuss the best practices in ensuring continuous quality improvement in nursing education programs.

During this meeting, Dr. Cynthia Baker (Executive Director) and Dr. Lise Talbot (Director of Accreditation) presented the Indonesian delegation with information on our organizational structure, accreditation procedures and recruitment systems. In exchange, CASN was able to learn more about the practices of their organizations through our resulting discussions.

CASN would like to thank the Indonesia delegation for their interest, time and enthusiasm; we enjoyed the chance to exchange information on best accreditation practices. In addition, CASN would like to thank the Canadian Nurses Association for organizing this visit and for their gracious hospitality.