Media Release – CASN seriously concerned by the Québec government’s failure to adopt the baccalaureate degree as the new entry-to-practice requirement for registered nurses

TwitterLogo(Ottawa, January 13, 2014) The recently reported position of the Quebec government, to reject the baccalaureate degree as the entry-to-practice requirement for registered nurses has important consequences for the health of Quebecers. The Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) considers a failure to adopt this requirement, as requested by the provincial regulatory body for nursing, the Quebec Order of Nurses, to be a major step backwards in health care in Quebec.

Because of the current and increasing complexity of health care delivery, the high level of knowledge and skills nurses need to provide effective and safe nursing care, and the life and death decisions they must make, the baccalaureate degree as the entry-to-practice requirement for registered nurses is critical for the health and safety of the population.

It is important to note that the baccalaureate is the entry-to-practice standard for registered nurses in all the provinces and territories in Canada except Quebec. Moreover, it is required by the Bologna Accord in Europe.

CASN, the national voice for nursing education in Canada, has the mandate to promote quality in nursing education in the interest of healthier Canadians. CASN considers this decision will bring negative health outcomes to a province where university based programs of nursing have always been recognized nationally and internationally for their excellence and for their leadership.


Cynthia Baker
Executive Director
Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing
Tel:(613) 235-3150 Poste 25