As we head into the holiday season and see a new year approaching, we often find ourselves reflecting on where we have been, where we are going, and what the future should look like. In the spirit of the season, I would like to share my ‘wish list’ for 2015, the top five hopes l have for nursing education and the nursing profession in the coming year.
1. Cutting Edge Nursing Education = World Class Healthcare
Our health care system demands providers who effectively address the health care needs of the people of Canada, whatever or wherever that may be. CASN strives to support high quality nursing education in all areas of Canada in the interest of healthier Canadians, and my first wish is that nurse educators continue to play the key role they have been doing in preparing excellent new nursing graduates for the system throughout every part of Canada, be it the inner cities of metropolitan areas, suburban townships, rural communities or remote areas of the far north
2. Nurses speaking with one voice.
Nurses are the largest number of health care providers in Canada, and the backbone of our health care system. With the demographic changes in the population as the baby boomer generation ages, an increase in the prevalence of long-term chronic illnesses, and a greater need for palliative and end-of-life care, now more than ever, it is the time for nurses to speak out in unison for quality, safety and health care access.
3. A safe health care system, for patients and for health care providers.
There has been a great deal of discussion about safety over the last year, not only patient safety, but nurse safety in caring for patients, especially those with communicable diseases. The discussion has extended to concerns about the safety of student nurses. We need to ensure we are all taking the necessary steps to ensure the emotional, cultural, and physical safety of nurses, student nurses, and patients.
4. Increased support for a spirit of inquiry among nurses and future nurses.
The development, synthesis, and translation of new nursing relevant knowledge is a key element in advancing the quality of health care. Nurses must receive support at all levels to contribute to quality improvement in nursing care and nursing education through the scholarship of discovery, teaching, integration, and application.
5. Optimizing workplace transition of new nurses.
Nurse educators and employers have been seeking ways to facilitate an optimum transition of new nursing graduates into workplace for several decades. In 2015 I am hoping to see the identification of innovative, best practices that will successfully bridge the gap between educational preparation and practice expectations.
Tweet your ideas or leave your Wish List on the CASN Facebook page using #Xmas or #NursingEducation
Cynthia Baker, RN, PhD.
Executive Director, CASN