For 25 years, Dr. Laschinger has studied workplace conditions that enable optimal professional practice of nurses which in turn promotes positive nurse and patient outcomes. The research has involved collaboration of both academic researchers and stakeholders in the field of nursing/health services delivery and resulted in a large body of policy relevant published work that is nationally and internationally recognized in the fields of nursing, health services, and management. The results of this research also have been used to inform workplace practices in healthcare work settings worldwide. She has received several prestigious national and international awards for her work in academic and professional communities, including the Distinguished University Professor Award and Hellmuth Prize at Western University and fellowships in the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and the American Academy of Nursing.
In 2009, Dr. Laschinger was awarded the Arthur Labatt Family Nursing Research Chair in Health Human Resources Optimization (ALFRCHRO) to lead a broad research agenda examining issues related to the planning and management of nursing and health services to ensure high quality care across healthcare sectors. The program of research is aimed at developing healthy work environments that support professional nursing practice and optimize both nurse and patient health and wellbeing.
Dr. Laschinger has published 189 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 4 books, 13 book chapters, 27 reports and 373 presentations at scientific meetings. Dr. Laschinger is a research leader, role model, and research mentor.
This award will offer powerful testimony to Dr. Laschinger’s sustained and exemplary research career.