Many thanks to all involved!
CASN held its 2023 Council Meeting on November 13 and 14. The in-person event was co-chaired by CASN President Dr. Alice Gaudine and CASN President-Elect Dr. Suzanne Harrison. We were honoured by an opening song and blessing from Grandmother Irene Compton of the Minwaashin Lodge.
We heard important updates on the Association’s operations and finances. We also shared the priorities that will guide CASN into 2028 with a presentation of the Association’s new strategic plan. We were privileged to host a variety of presenters and speakers who addressed important nursing education topics, which inspired meaningful discussions and reflection from participants from across the country.
We marked the 10th anniversary of Quality Advancement in Nursing Education – Avancées en formation infirmière (QANE-AFI), CASN’s bilingual academic journal. During the CASN awards ceremony, we honoured colleagues for their contributions to nursing education. The Council Meeting concluded following the announcement of the results of the 2023–24 election of individuals to CASN’s Board of Directors, Awards and Nomination Committee, and CASN Accreditation Bureau.
CASN extends our thanks to the event sponsors, as well as the Pat Griffin virtual silent auction donors and participants who helped raise over $2,525 in support of nursing education research. Finally, we would like to thank the attendees for joining us in person during this critical time for nursing education. For a full recap of the event, please see the Summary of Events.
Council Was Simultaneously Translated!
To improve the bilingualism of our meeting, we piloted a new system of simultaneous interpretation in French and English throughout our two-day council meeting. This system enabled participants to understand what was being said in either language and allowed presenters to speak in their preferred language.
Summary of Events / Résumé des activités
Day 1 Summary / Jour 1 — Résumé
Annual General Meeting / Assemblée générale annuelle
- Call to Order / Appel à l’ordre
- Words of Welcome, Announcements, and Indigenous Blessing by Grandmother Irene Compton / Mot de bienvenue, annonces, bénédiction autochtone par la grand-mère Irene Compton
- Adoption of Agenda / Adoption de l’ordre du jour
- Adopted as written / Adopté tel que présenté
- Approval of Minutes, November 2022 / Adoption du procès-verbal, novembre 2021
- Adopted as written / Adopté tel que présenté
- President’s Report / Rapport de la présidente
- Presenters / Intervenantes : Alice Gaudine, Memorial University of Newfoundland, CASN President; Suzanne Harrison, CASN President-Elect, Université de Moncton
- CASN’s Vision 2028 / Vision de l’ACESI pour 2028
- CASN’s Strategic Plan 2023-2028 / Plan stratégique de l’ACESI 2023–2028
- Strategic Plan 2019-2023 Highlights / Faits saillants du Plan stratégique 2019-2023
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action Report / Rapport sur les Appels à l’action de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada
- Presenter / Intervenante : Sheila Blackstock, University of Northern British Columbia
- Anti-racism Report / Rapport sur la lutte contre le racisme
- Presenter / Intervenante : Rani Srivastava, Thompson Rivers University
- Residency Program Report / Rapport sur le programme de résidence
- Presenter / Intervenante : Sue O’Donnell, University of New Brunswock
- Francophone Committee Report
- Presenter / Intervenante : Marie-Soleil Hardy, Université Laval
- Treasurer’s Report / Rapport de la trésorière
- Presenter / Intervenante : Kirsten Woodend, Trent University
- Auditor’s Report / Rapport de l’auditeur
- Presenter / Intervenante : Allison Pare, Welch LLP
- Adopted as written / Adopté tel que présenté
- Awards & Nomination Committee Report / Rapport du Comité des prix d’excellence et des mises en candidature
- Presenter / Intervenante : Tracie Risling, Chief Electoral Officer, University of Calgary
Cross-Country Check-Up: Current opportunities and key issues / Bilan pancanadien : Opportunités actuelles et enjeux clés
- Presenter / Intervenante : Suzanne Harrison, President-Elect, Université de Moncton
- Breakout Group Discussion / Discussion en petits groupes
- National Student and Faculty Survey Results / Résultats de l’enquête nationale sur les effectifs étudiants et professoraux
- Presenter / Intervenante : Kristine Crosby, CASN
- Indigenous Student and Faculty Survey results / Résultats de la première enquête sur les effectifs étudiants et professoraux autochtones
- Presenter / Intervenante : Marilee Nowgesic
Panel: Key challenges for nursing and potential solutions / Conférence : Principaux défis pour les soins infirmiers et solutions potentielles
- Moderators / modératrices : Alice Gaudine and Suzanne Harrison
- Panelists / panélistes :
- Lisa Little, International Council of Nurses (ICN)
- Sylvain Brousseau, Canadian Nurses Association (CNA)
- Liliana Canadic, Provincial Chief Nursing Officer – Government of Saskatchewan
- Karima Velji, Chief of Nursing & Professional Practice; Assistant Deputy Minister of Health, Ministry of Health, Ontario
- Denise LeBlanc. CEO and Registrar, Nurses Association of NB (NANB)
- Quality Advancement in Nursing Education – Avancées en formation infirmière (QANE-AFI): 10-year celebration / Quality Advancement in Nursing Education – Avancées en formation infirmière (QANE-AFI) : célébration du 10e anniversaire
- Reflections on QANE-AFI’s contributions to the quality of nursing education research and scholarship. Thanks to Laurie Gottlieb, McGill university.
- Presenters / Intervenantes : Jacinthe Pepin, Université de Montréal and/et Florence Myrick, QANE-AFI Co-editors in Chief
- Reflections on the contributions of special editions to the quality of nursing education
- Presenters / Intervenantes : Siobhan Nelson, University of Toronto and/et Pauline Paul, University of Alberta
- Indigenous guest co-editors to Indigenous edition of the journal
- Presenters / Intervenantes : Mona Lisa Bourque Bearskin and /et Wanda Phillips-Beck
- Reflections on QANE-AFI’s contributions to the quality of nursing education research and scholarship. Thanks to Laurie Gottlieb, McGill university.
Winners / Lauréates :
- Nursing Education Excellence (Tenured) Award / Prix d’excellence en formation infirmière (permanent) : Lorelli Nowell, University of Calgary
- Nursing Education Excellence (Non-tenured) Award / Prix d’excellence en formation infirmière (non-permanent) : Danielle Yaffe, University of Manitoba
- Nursing Research Excellence Award / Prix d’excellence en recherche infirmière : José Côté, l’Université de Montréal
- Academic Administrative Excellence Award / Prix d’excellence en gestion universitaire : Anita Gagnon, McGill University
- Wendy McBride Award for Accreditation Reviewer Excellence / Prix Wendy McBride pour l’excellence des évaluatrices aux fins de l’agrément : Kathleen White-Williams, Toronto Metropolitan University
- Ethel Johns Award / Prix Ethel Johns : Pauline Paul, University of Alberta
- Recipients of CASN Research Grants / Lauréats des subventions de recherche de l’ACESI
- Pat Griffin Research Grant / Subventions de recherche Pat Griffin 2023
- Recipients / lauréats : Laura Vogelsang, University of Lethbridge and/et Kathleen Lechasseur, l’Université Laval
- Woodend Clinical Education Research Grant / Subvention de recherche en formation clinique Woodend
- Recipient / lauréat : VJ Gibbins, University of Alberta
Day 2 Summary / Jour 2 — Résumé
Graduate Studies Forum / Forum sur les études supérieures
Theme / Thème : Changing Landscape in Graduate Education in Nursing / Paysage changeant de la formation supérieure en sciences infirmières
- Welcoming Remarks / Mot de bienvenue – Nancy Carter, McMaster University
- Topic 1 / Sujet 1: Generalist and Specialized Education for Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs): Current and Future Challenges and Opportunities / Formation générale et spécialisée pour les infirmières et infirmiers en pratique avancée : défis et occasions actuels et futurs
Moderator / Modératrice : Gail McCartney, University of Prince Edward Island
- Presenters / Intervenant.e.s :
- Mohamed El-Hussein, Mount Royal University
- Denise Bryant-Lukosius, McMaster University
- Ovie Onagbeboma, Health Canada
- Ruth Martin-Misener, Dalhousie University
- Leigh Chapman, Chief Nursing Officer of Canada
- Topic 2 / Sujet 2 : Update on Doctoral Nursing Programs: Sharing Challenges and Successes / Mise à jour sur les programmes de doctorat en sciences infirmières : partager les défis et les réussites
- Topic 3 / Sujet 3 : Promoting the Academic Preparation for the Next Generation of Faculty / Promouvoir la préparation universitaire de la prochaine génération de membres du corps professoral
- Moderator / Modératrice : Nancy Carter
- Presenters / Intervenant.e.s :
- Sithokozile Maposa, University of Saskatchewan
Undergraduate Forum / Forum sur les études de premier cycle
Theme / Thème : Nursing Education’s Response(ibility) to address the nursing shortage / Rôle et responsabilité de la formation en sciences infirmières pour remédier à la pénurie d’infirmières et infirmiers
- Welcoming Remarks / Mot de bienvenue – Nicole Harder, University of Manitoba
- Topic 1 / Sujet 1 : Mentoring new faculty to address nursing faculty shortage and supporting student retention / Encadrer les nouveaux membres du corps professoral pour remédier à la pénurie dans la formation en sciences infirmières et soutenir la rétention des étudiantes et étudiants
- Topic 2 / Sujet 2 : Preparing for a new type of workplace / Se préparer à un nouveau type de milieu de travail
- Moderator / Modératrice : Marjolaine Héon, l’Université de Montréal
- Presenters / Intervenant.e.s :
- Charlene Chu, University of Toronto
- Claire Mallette, York University
- Michelle Lobchuk, University of Manitoba
- Topic 3 / Sujet 3 : Student Success: Outreach to Rural and Remote Areas / Réussite des étudiantes et étudiants : sensibilisation aux zones rurales et éloignées
- Announcement of Elections Results / Résultats des élections
- Introduction the new Board of Directors/Committee members / Présentation des nouveaux membres du conseil d’administration/comité
- Thank you to outgoing board members/committee members / Merci aux membres sortants du conseil d’administration/des comités
- Closing Remarks / Résumé et clôture
We hope to you see you at CASN’s 2024 Council Meeting! / Nous espérons vous voir à la réunion du Conseil de l’ACESI 2024 !
Photo Gallery / Galerie de photos
Check out the Council 2023 Photo Gallery for snapshots of the event presentations and activities. / Consultez la galerie de photos du Conseil 2023 pour des instantanés des présentations et des activités de l’événement.