Call for Papers : International Journal of Nursing Student Scholarship

The International Journal of Nursing Student Scholarship (IJNSS) was created to provide the opportunity for undergraduate and graduate nursing students to publish their scholarly papers that have been completed as course assignments.


Submissions will also be accepted from students in related health disciplines if they have completed research that is applicable to the discipline and profession of nursing in particular or to health and human services in general. The aim is to facilitate interprofessional / collaborative learning, foster an interest in research and its dissemination, and promote innovations in health care practice.


Please invite your course professor, faculty advisor, or thesis supervisor to be a joint author with you.


Asan international, peer-reviewed, open access journal, IJNSS invites scholarlypapers that have not been previously published pertaining to multinational,transcultural, and/or global aspects of nursing care in the context of bothhealth and illness. Articleswill be published as soon as they have been reviewed and accepted, as opposedto publishing only 4 to 5 journal issues per year.  Book Reviews, and/orreviews of AV material, which will not be refereed, are also welcome. See infore: submission on the University of Calgary website:

Why Publish in the International Journal of Nursing Student Scholarship (IJNSS)? 

♦Open Access:
This English language journal is accessible online for free and thus  can reach readers world-wide.
♦Full Peer Review:
All manuscripts submitted to our journal that meet the specified requirements undergo peer review.
♦Fast Publication:
Peer review process and publication may be completed within  8 to 10 weeks.