The Foundations and Scholarship of Clinical Teaching
Date: January 28 & 29, 2014
Course Location: Health Sciences Building, University of Toronto, 155 College St., Toronto
For more information and to register go to:
Course Description: The model of clinical teaching and learning most commonly utilized in baccalaureate nursing education is unique among health professional programs, where clinical instructors work closely with small groups of student nurses across a variety of speciality areas. This two-day course for clinical instructors and nurse educators will focus on the scholarship and theoretical understandings related to clinical teaching and learning. In a workshop format those areas of clinical teaching and learning which are unique to nursing education will be addressed. These include the most current thinking regarding the scholarship of clinical education and its practice including small group experiential and situated learning; application of principles of transformational and learner centered approaches; and reflective teaching. Through presentations and discussions a team of experienced university based clinical educators will explore with participants the challenges in applying theory to clinical teaching within the context of increasing complex clinical environments. Participants will have opportunity for interaction and networking with other nurses interested in clinical teaching.
Audience: The focus and exemplars of clinical teaching and learning in this course will be drawn from the context of undergraduate nursing education. Advanced practice nurses and nurse educators from all health care settings with an interest in deepening their theoretical understanding of clinical nursing education and learning will benefit from participation in this foundational course. We welcome nurses who are either experienced, novice or aspiring clinical teachers of undergraduate nursing students.