Post CASN Conference Report

Transforming Nursing Education at CASN Conference 2024

The CASN Biennial Canadian Nursing Education Conference 2024 held on May 27–28, 2024, in Calgary, Alberta, provided participants with the opportunity to exchange innovative approaches and practical solutions to address current nursing education challenges and help prepare the nurses of tomorrow. The event boasted record-breaking attendance, with over 430 participants, and featured more than 260 nursing education presentations. CASN was privileged to host nurse educators, nursing students, health professionals, Indigenous Elders, sponsors, and guests from across Canada and beyond.

The theme of the conference centred on the pressing need to transform nursing education in Canada by dismantling harmful colonial legacies, advocating for social justice and equity, promoting diversity and inclusion, and preparing the next generation of nurses for a rapidly changing societal and technological landscape. Nurse educators presented their research and educational initiatives to colleagues from across Canada and beyond. Participants exchanged ideas, expanded their professional networks, and established relationships that could influence not only their individual careers but also the future of nursing education. CASN hopes that participants found the CASN Biennial Canadian Nursing Education Conference 2024 to be a safe space to leverage collective wisdom to build education environments that are fair, inclusive, and innovative.

The presence of Indigenous Elders at the event added immense value, as they shared their wisdom and provided invaluable cultural care support to all attendees. We extend our gratitude to Elder Doreen Spence, Elder Herman Yellow Old Woman, Elder Colleen Seymour, Elder Mabel Lena Horton, Elder Judy Pelly, and Elder Gwen Campbell-McArthur for their profound contributions to the success of the conference.

We are grateful for the generous support of the event sponsors. We express our appreciation to Prestige Sponsor the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Calgary; Platinum Sponsor Trinity Western University; Gold Sponsor Bow Valley College; and Silver Sponsor The Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing at Western University; as well as the 26 conference exhibitors. CASN extends our deepest respect and heartfelt thanks to all who played a part in making this conference an opportunity for positive transformation in nursing education.

Summary of Events

Sunday, May 26

  • Networking reception/exhibitors viewing: Attendees took advantage of an early registration session and enjoyed connecting with colleagues and exhibitors at the networking reception.

Monday, May 27

  • Day 1 opening events:
    • Opening welcome to participants.
    • Indigenous opening prayer from Elder Doreen Spence and Elder Herman Yellow Old Woman.
  • First keynote address: The topic of Indigenous Health Nursing Sovereignty was addressed by Elder Colleen Seymour (BC Indigenous Health Nursing Research Chair; University of Victoria); Dr. Lisa Bourque Bearskin (CIHR Indigenous Chair; University of Victoria); Elder Judy Pelly; Dr. Holly Graham (University of Saskatchewan); Dr. Wanda Phillips-Beck (CIHR Indigenous Chair; First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba); and Elder Mabel Lena Horton.

  • Day 1 poster presentations session: Attendees took time to view the Day 1 poster displays.

Tuesday, May 28 – Summary

  • Day 2 opening events:
    • Welcome to the second day of the conference.
    • Summary of Day 1 of the conference.
  • Second keynote address: Dr. Ruth Lee (CARE Centre for IENs, McMaster University) and Dr. Edward Cruz (University of Windsor) addressed the topic of Barriers and Facilitators to Educating and Integrating IENs into the Canadian Healthcare System.
  • Day 2 poster presentations session: Attendees took time to view the Day 2 poster displays.

  • Special presentation: Monica McAlduff, Chief Nursing Officer of the First Nations Health Authority in BC, presented on the Nurse’s role in enacting Jordan’s Principle in the Canadian Health care system.

  • Conference closing events:
    • CASN’s Executive Director, Cynthia Baker, announced the gamification and poster winners.
    • An Indigenous Elders circle session/reflection on Day 2 and closing prayer was led by Elder Doreen, Elder Herman Yellow Old Woman, and Elder Judy Pelly.
    • CASN’s President, Alice Gaudine, presented closing remarks.

Additional conference resources:

  • Cultural care: Cultural care was provided to participants during the conference by Elder Doreen Spence, Elder Herman Yellow Old Woman, Elder Gwen Campbell-McArthur, Elder Judy Pelly, Elder Colleen Seymour, and Elder Mabel Lena Horton.
  • Mental health support: Mental health support was provided to participants during the conference by Amanda Loates and Jacqueline Smith.
  • Affinity meetings: An affinity room was made available for participant groups to meet during the conference.


For any questions related to the keynote, poster, or concurrent presentations, or to request a copy of any of the presentations from the event, please contact the presenter directly.

Photo Gallery

During the conference, many participants had the pleasure of meeting our excellent event photographer, Karla Sanderson <> from Bow Valley College. If Karla took your picture at the event, you will be able to find a copy of it in our event photo album.

We Want a Review From You!

CASN is honoured that you joined us for CASN’s Biennial Canadian Nursing Education Conference 2024.

To share your experience and thoughts with us about the conference and help us improve future conferences, please complete an attendee survey by the end of the day on June 14, 2024.