CASN Setting a New Course Part 2

DrCynthiaBakerPart 2

CASN is  making headway on the calls for action that came out of the 2013 CASN Council meeting as well as the other stakeholder meeting we attended and hosted last year.  A number of committees are actively working on national frameworks for baccalaureate and masters nursing programs.  These frameworks will clearly outline what it is that can be expected of baccalaureate and masters prepared nurses.  The frameworks will provide guidelines to facilitate the continued evolution of nursing education programs schools and prepare their students to work in a highly complex, changing environment.
Providing faculty with Professional Development opportunities is high on our priorities. CASN is committed to providing excellence in the programs we offer, from our Conference, scheduled for the end of May 2014, our on-line courses on Scholarship, Leadership, and Clinical Education,  our Inaugural Nurse Educator Certificate,  and our  two day Leadership Retreat in the spring.

This coming year promises to be a very full and dynamic one and we look forward to working with you to advance nursing education in Canada.

Please send CASN your comments and feedback on this topic on our Facebook page through direct message – subject “Setting a New Course

Send us comments on Twitter to @CASN43 and include #SettingaNewCourse
Cynthia Baker, RN, PhD.
Executive Director, CASN