CASN Call For Abstracts


Canadian Nursing Education Conference

Anticipating and Shaping the Future of Nursing Education

Presented by CASN


Call For Abstracts

Deadline: January 15, 2014

May 26-28, 2014

Halifax, Nova Scotia


You are invited to submit an abstract for the Canadian Nursing Education Conference. CASN will be accepting the following types of abstract submissions:

  • Research: Completed research relating to any of the subthemes.
  • Work-in-Progress or Proposals for Future Research: Incomplete research or ideas for future research that generates discussion and feedback relating to any of the subthemes.
  • On-going Projects: Abstracts related to innovative projects, evaluation of programs and projects, instruction techniques, best practices or experiences relating to any of the subthemes.

Conference Subthemes

Building Intra- and Inter-professional Skills for Collaborative Practice
Clinical and Academic Preparation for Advanced Practice
Developing the Next Generation of Nursing Scholars
Practice Education Possibilities
Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Development
Blended Learning, Social Media, and Technology
The conference program will include an opening reception, keynote speakers, concurrent presentations, poster presentations, and Panel/Symposia Sessions.


Abstract Format

Abstracts must be submitted using CASN’s online abstract system. The following information must be included: presentation type; the primary subtheme addressed; full title of the presentation; full list of author(s); primary presenter(s) contact information; and description (see below for description formats).

When submitting your abstract description (400 words maximum) please use one of the following formats;

Research Abstracts: Background/Rationale; Methods/Methodology; Results; Conclusions; and Learning Objective(s).
Work-in-Progress or Proposal Abstracts: Learning Objective(s); Background/Rationale; Methods/Methodology; and Summary.
Project, Evaluations or Issues abstract: Learning Objective(s); Background/Rationale; Description/Overview; Activities; and Evaluation/Outcomes.
Panel/ Symposia abstract: Learning Objective(s); Topic for Discussion; Background/Rational; and Applications.
Note: As there is a limit to the number of each session type in the program, the Abstract Review Committee may elect to recommend some submissions for a session format other than that originally intended by the authors.


Presentation Formats

Concurrent Sessions (30 minutes)

Concurrent sessions take place on each day of the conference. The Concurrent sessions are 30 minutes total, we suggest that you plan on a 20 minute presentation with 10 minutes for questions. Concurrent session presenters will be provided a laptop with PowerPoint, a projector and a screen in each room.

Poster Presentations

Posters will be presented during a single poster session. Presenting authors will be required to stand by their poster during the session. Poster presentation formats may be traditional or virtual; innovative presentations are encouraged. Poster Boards are 4’ by 8’ and all material must fit in that space

Graduate Student Concurrent Sessions (30 minutes)

Concurrent sessions by Master’s and PhD students will use the same format as the traditional concurrent sessions, and will be reviewed using the same criteria. These sessions will pertain to the focus of their respective graduate study.

Panel/Symposia Sessions (60 minutes)

These sessions are designed to allow a team of presenters (2-4) to bring a variety of perspectives to a single education topic, initiative, or experience that might not otherwise be possible within a single concurrent session. Panels should allow for a minimum of 15 minutes for audience engagement.

Abstract Deadline

Abstracts must be submitted by January 15, 2014 using the online submission process to be considered for presentation at the conference.

Abstract Review Criteria

Submissions will be double blind peer-reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • Originality – Novelty of ideas, methods, program or evaluation approach; brings a different perspective by virtue of setting, discipline, and or application of solution.
  • Merit / Relevance- Importance to education and nursing; contributes new knowledge, brings forward lessons learned.
  • Findings / Results (for Concurrent and Poster abstracts) – Demonstrates concrete outcomes of an initiative completed or in progress.
  • Objectives (for Panel/Symposia abstracts) – Realistic, and would they be of interest to attendees.
  • Clarity – Well written, understandable, follows required submission format.
  • Overall Impression – Good synthesis of initiative, demonstrates alignment of purpose, approach, findings, and implications.
  • Relevance to Conference Theme and chosen Subtheme – Alignment with conference theme and selected subtheme.

Conference Registration and Fees

All accepted presenters must pay full conference fees by March 4th, 2014 to reserve their place in the program.

Other Information and Questions

If you have any questions regarding the Call for Abstracts, please contact Andrea Pinsent-Martineau, Conference Coordinator via phone at 613-235-3150 ext 29 or, via email at