Celebrating Canadian Nursing Education
CASN’s positivity campaign, Advancing Nursing, highlights the value of Canadian nursing education in producing quality nurses prepared to meet distinctly Canadian health care needs.
We want your input, insights, and contributions!
- Use our #NurseEduCan
- Retweet our #TBT tweets of historical figures in nursing education
- Share or retweet our infographics on Facebook and Twitter
- Forward a link to sign up for our emails
- Send us your thoughts in writing or in a video
Your engagement is the single most important factor in getting the message out.
By working together to bolster understanding and the profile of nursing education in Canada, we will help bring your priorities to the Canadian stage. Reaching out to our networks with positive messaging will in turn strengthen the Canadian health care system through mutual understanding and cooperation. You are key players in the preparation and education of nurses, and your voices add significant value to this positive messaging.
As the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing, it is our job to highlight the strength of nursing education in Canada. You, the Canadian nurse educator, prepare future nurses for the challenge of the always evolving workplace. CASN’s Advancing Nursing campaign recognizes the history of nursing education in Canada; this rich professional heritage deserves to be celebrated as a strong part of nursing’s foundation and future.
If you are interested in further collaboration, please contact us at comms@casn.ca.