2017 CNSA National Conference The Canadian Nursing Students’ Association is excited to announce the 2017 CNSA Annual National Conference to be held in Winnipeg,…More
2016 Atlantic Regional Conference Welcome to the 2016 Atlantic Regional Conference – Nurses Embracing Diversity: Welcoming the Many Faces of Healthcare! We are pleased…More
2016 Ontario/Quebec Regional Conference Ryerson University cordially invites you to attend the Canadian Nursing Students’ Association 2016 Ontario Quebec Regional Conference: Inspiring the Next…More
CONTACT LETTER for Health Educators Addressing the Moral Distress of PICU Teams Click Letter to Download
2016 COUPN Awards Recognize Nurses, Students and Educators for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Nursing TORONTO, April 20, 2016 – A nurse practitioner who works to improve the lives of young people with eating disorders, and…More
L’Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec honore la professeure et chercheuse José Côté Le 4 mai 2016, Madame José Côté, Ph. D., professeure titulaire à la Faculté des sciences infirmières de l’Université de…More
Canadian Nursing Informatics Association An excellent way to maintain and enhance connections with nursing informatics colleagues is to become a member of CNIA. Benefits…More
Public Health Agency of Canada Skills Online – Winter 2016 Term Do you want to build your skills and competence in public health? Skills Online can help. This award-winning continuing education program…More