The Margaret Scott Wright Research and Innovation Day is joining with the Canadian Nursing Students’ Association (CNSA) Western/Prairie Regional
Conference for a three day conference on November 4-6, 2016 in Edmonton, Alberta. Our conference theme is “Building Identity: Nursing practice and
research are constantly changing and challenging roles in which nurses can occupy and lead. It is our time to express our voices. We are the future, how will
you contribute?”
On Friday, November 4th, the opening day of this unique conference will primarily feature the 30th Margaret Scott Wright Research and Innovation Day,
where nursing students, clinicians, and academics will gather to learn, share and connect. On Saturday, November 5th and Sunday, November 6th, the CNSA
Western/Prairie Regional Conference will take place, with a various keynote speakers, workshops, breakout sessions, poster showcases and more throughout
the day, plus exciting social events each evening. This event is proudly presented by the University of Alberta, MacEwan University, Alberta Health Services
and the Canadian Nursing Students’ Association.
For more information, visit us at: