Transformer la formation en sciences infirmières : Conférence 2024 de l’ACESI
La Conférence biennale canadienne 2024 de l’ACESI sur l’enseignement des sciences infirmières, qui s’est tenue les 27 et 28 mai 2024 à Calgary, en Alberta, a offert aux participantes et participants l’occasion de discuter des approches novatrices et des solutions pratiques pour relever les défis actuels de la formation en sciences infirmières et aider à préparer les infirmières et infirmiers de demain. L’événement a enregistré une participation record, avec plus de 430 participantes et participants, et comprenait plus de 260 présentations sur la formation en sciences infirmières. L’ACESI a eu le privilège d’accueillir des infirmières et infirmiers enseignants, des étudiantes et étudiants en sciences infirmières, des professionnelles et professionnels de la santé, des Aînées et Aînés autochtones, des commanditaires et des invitées et invités de partout au Canada et d’ailleurs.
Le thème de la conférence était centré sur le besoin urgent de transformer la formation en sciences infirmières au Canada en démantelant les héritages coloniaux néfastes, en plaidant pour la justice sociale et l’équité, en promouvant la diversité et l’inclusion, et en préparant la prochaine génération d’infirmières et infirmiers à un paysage sociétal et technologique en évolution rapide. Les infirmières et infirmiers enseignants ont présenté leurs recherches et leurs initiatives pédagogiques à des collègues de partout au Canada et d’ailleurs. Les participantes et participants ont échangé des idées, élargi leurs réseaux professionnels et établi des relations qui pourraient influencer non seulement leur carrière individuelle, mais aussi l’avenir de la formation en sciences infirmières. L’ACESI espère que les participantes et participants ont trouvé que la Conférence biennale canadienne 2024 de l’ACESI sur l’enseignement des sciences infirmières était un espace sûr pour tirer parti de la sagesse collective afin de créer des environnements de formation justes, inclusifs et novateurs.
La présence d’Aînées et Aînés autochtones à l’événement a ajouté une immense valeur, car ils ont partagé leur sagesse et ont fourni un soutien culturel inestimable à tous les participants et participantes. Nous exprimons notre gratitude aux Aînés Doreen Spence, Herman Yellow Old Woman, Colleen Seymour, Mabel Lena Horton, Judy Pelly et Gwen Campbell-McArthur pour leurs profondes contributions au succès de la conférence.
Nous sommes reconnaissants du soutien généreux des commanditaires de l’événement. Nous exprimons notre gratitude au commanditaire prestige, la faculté des sciences infirmières de l’University of Calgary, au commanditaire platine, la Trinity Western University, au commanditaire or, le Bow Valley College, et au commanditaire argent, la Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing at Western University. ainsi qu’aux 26 exposantes et exposants de la conférence. L’ACESI exprime son plus profond respect et ses sincères remerciements à tous ceux et celles qui ont contribué à faire de cette conférence une occasion de transformation positive dans la formation en sciences infirmières.
Résumé des événements
Dimanche 26 mai
- Réception de réseautage/visite des exposantes et exposants : Les participantes et participants ont profité d’une séance d’inscription anticipée et ont rencontré des collègues et des exposantes et exposants lors de la réception de réseautage.
Lundi 27 mai
- Événements d’ouverture du jour 1
- Accueil des participantes et participants.
- Prière d’ouverture autochtone de l’Aînée Doreen Spence et de l’Aîné Herman Yellow Old Woman.
- Premier discours liminaire : Le sujet de la souveraineté des soins infirmiers en santé autochtone a été abordé par l’Aînée Colleen Seymour (chaire de recherche en soins infirmiers en santé autochtone de la Colombie-Britannique; University of Victoria); Lisa Bourque Bearskin, Ph. D. (chaire autochtone des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada [IRSC]; University of Victoria); l’Aînée Judy Pelly; Holly Graham, Ph. D. (University of Saskatchewan); Wanda Phillips-Beck, Ph. D. (chaire autochtone des IRSC; First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba); et l’Aînée Mabel Lena Horton.
Séances simultanées no 1
- Un total de 28 séances, présentant une variété de formats (panel/symposium, oral, diplômées et diplômés, travaux en cours, affiches) sur une variété de sous-thèmes et de sujets relatifs à la formation en sciences infirmières.
- Sous-thème : Beyond Representation, Towards Inclusion and Social Justice
- A Case for Inclusion: Exploring Transition of the LPN/RPN to the Role of the RN
- Students outside the box: Supporting diverse learners in clinical practice
- Understanding the Landscape for a Shelter Health Initiative in Windsor, Ontario
- The development and implementation of the critical health and racial literacy (CHRL) program to close the health equity gaps in ACB communities: A provider-focused made-in Canada intervention
- Promoting 2SLGBTQ+ inclusion in nursing education: Identifying gaps and setting a disciplinary agenda
- Beyond representation: Taking concrete action to disrupt, unlearn, and re-learn in specialty nursing education
- Using virtual simulation to teach social justice concepts related to poverty: Innovation and usability testing
- Sous-thème : Decolonizing Nursing Education in Action
- Engaging in Decolonizing Research and Education as a Non-Indigenous Researcher: Necessary Discomfort
- Decolonizing Nursing Education through Weaving Wisdom: The co-creation, co-implementation, and co-evaluation of a strategic framework for decolonizing nursing in northern and rural First Nations, Métis, and Inuit contexts
- Braiding diverse knowledge systems into nursing education: Impact of Indigenous knowledges and aesthetic ways of knowing
- Māori nurses experiences of nursing simulation as undergraduate students
- Anti-Racism and Social Justice in Nursing Education: Moving the dialogue forward in educational spaces
- Sous-thème : Educating for an Evolving Context
- Understanding the Experiences of Nursing Clinical Externs at an Urban Community Hospital
- Mental health in the undergraduate nursing classroom: A photovoice study
- Planetary Health: Preparing Nursing Students for Future Practice
- Innovating nursing education on medical and recreational cannabis: Baseline evidence for curriculum design
- Safe and Equitable Genomics-Informed Care: A Review of Progress and Opportunities for Nursing Education in Canada
- Academic Success in Non-University-Affiliated Polytechnic Nursing Programs
- Exploring the experiences of novice nursing professors at Ontario colleges
- Exploring the Evaluation of Leadership Competencies in Undergraduate Nursing Education: A Scoping Review
- Sous-thème : It’s Never Just Technology
- Virtual Simulation Training to Improve Resiliency of Nursing Groups (STRONG): Results from a multisite pilot
- The Evolution of Immersive Virtual Reality Simulation for Distributed Delivery of an Undergraduate Nursing Program
- Advancing equity and inclusion through technology: The role of simulation activities in practical nursing education.
- A review of the literature for Student-Recorded Video Assessments in Undergraduate Nursing Education; A Reflection on Emergency Procedures During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Challenges and Recommendations Related to Online Participatory Research Spaces with Children
- Telehealth: The Wave of the Future of Health Care
- Sous-thème : Enseigner dans le cadre d’un contexte en évolution
- Projet SUPERVISION : Étude à devis mixte portant sur l’accompagnement par les préceptrices du développement du raisonnement clinique chez étudiantes au baccalauréat en sciences infirmières en contexte de stage
- Séance de présentation d’affiches du jour 1 : Les participantes et participants ont pris le temps de voir les affiches du jour 1.
Séances simultanées no 2
- Un total de 26 séances sur une variété de sous-thèmes et de sujets relatifs à la formation en sciences infirmières.
- Sous-thème : Decolonizing Nursing Education in Action
- An Ontario Faculty of Nursing’s Way(s) of Co-Creating a Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization Circle
- The Student-Educator Metaparadigm and Decolonization of Nursing Education
- Calls to action: Strategies for integrating Indigenous health content into nursing education
- “The only way I could silence the racism voices is to do better. And then, I become a voice” for Black Nurses “through my own success” story: Cultivating the African Spirit of Ubuntu
- Integrating cultural safety in virtual pre-simulation gaming for undergraduate nurses In Aotearoa New Zealand.
- Antiracist practices in nursing education: inquiring into the impact of communities of learning
- Mobilizing anti-racism here is like squeezing a square peg through a round hole: A critical qualitative inquiry into anti-racism in Canadian nursing education
- Sous-thème : It’s Never Just Technology
- Understanding the Lived Experience of Student-Recorded Video Assessments in Nursing Education During the COVID-19 pandemic; A Pilot Study
- A virtual caring competency framework for nursing education
- Bridging the gap: Building clinical competence and confidence for interprofessional pre-licensure learners to respond to in-hospital emergencies
- Sous-thème : Educating for an Evolving Context
- An innovative strategy to evaluate nursing clinical decision-making with an Inquiry-based learning (IBL) pedagogy
- Persistence of a separate nursing profession: the ethics of workforce need shaping the evolution of Registered Psychiatric Nursing (RPN) education in British Columbia
- Learnings from nursing bridging education programs: A scoping review
- Engaging Direct Care Nurses in Clinical Research in Canadian Academic Health Centres
- BSN Learning Pathways into Complex Practice Environments: Supporting Students, New Graduate Nurses, and the Nursing Workforce
- The intercultural learning course – leadership in clinical decision making in Nursing
- Innovation in clinical education: The Humber College – William Osler Health System (WOHS) Academic Practice Partnership Initiative
- Transforming health for all through co-design of an innovative genomic nursing educational hub
- An Interprofessional Approach to Deprescribing: Application of curricular framework for Nursing Education
- Sous-thème : Beyond Representation, Towards Inclusion and Social Justice
- Investigating the Impact of Racial Discrimination on the Mental Health of Black Canadians
- Increasing Access with Open Pedagogy in Nursing Education
- An Academic-Practice Partnership Promotes Research Skills and Supports Direct Care Nurses
- Using Reflexivity to DISrupt Implicit Bias in Cardiovascular Care: An Applied Theatre Workshop-The Heart DIS-Ease PlaY
- Exploring policies and processes available for nursing students in addressing incidents of discrimination within nursing programs: A jurisdictional scan
- Sous-thème : Au-delà de la représentation, vers l’inclusion et la justice sociale
- La formation à distance en sciences infirmières comme stratégie inclusive: qu’est-ce qui influence la clientèle étudiante?
- Expériences d’incivilité et de taxage en milieu de stage des étudiants de programmes de sciences infirmières
Séances simultanées no 3
- Un total de 25 séances sur une variété de sous-thèmes et de sujets relatifs à la formation en sciences, notamment :
- Sous-thème : Beyond Representation, Towards Inclusion and Social Justice
- Language as a Proxy for Race: Language and Literacy and the Nursing Profession
- Optimizing Training for Clinical Education: From a Need’s Assessment to Implementation
- Development of ethics and language inclusivity guide for teaching anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology to nursing students
- A workshop to advance gender inclusive and affirming practices in undergraduate nursing
- Innovative Interventions provided to post-secondary students to address mental health issues during COVID-19: A systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- Muslim women who wear Islamic head coverings and their healthcare encounters in Canada: A poststructuralist narrative study
- On thin Ice: Are your classroom icebreakers inclusive or intrusive?
- Sous-thème : Decolonizing Nursing Education in Action
- Relational Inquiry Framework: A Pathway to Decolonizing Nursing Education
- Fostering Excellence in Nursing Education: Establishing a Black Nursing Faculty Community of Practice Group and a Black Student Mentorship Group at Centennial College.
- E.A.L. Healthcare: An Introduction to the Hearts-based Education and Anti-colonial Learning Project
- Leading with Intentionality to Foster Equity and Inclusion and Embrace Diversity
- Multiple perspectives on anti-Black racism in nursing and healthcare in context of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Etuaptmumk – Honouring our Journey of Co-Creating a Nursing Practice Resource with a Two-Eyed Seeing Lens
- Dismantling discrimination and decolonizing the academy: Reshaping colonial frameworks for meaningful structural change
- The RAD Synthesis: Taxonomy and African Decolonial Ethic of Emerging Digital Technologies for Nursing Informatics
- Evaluating the impact of CASPer admission ranking on student diversity in an after-degree nursing program.
- Processus de décolonisation en sciences infirmières : la voix des étudiantes
- Learning to ‘play the game’ in the ‘real’ world of nursing education
- Re-envisioning site visits for nurse practitioner students in the MN/NP program
- Sous-thème : It’s Never Just Technology
- Readiness to Practice: Assessing influencing factors in nursing students completing a final clinical placement
- Perceptions of nursing students regarding virtual simulation in medication administration practices in nursing education: A qualitative single case study
- Improving students’ confidence to support mental health: An interprofessional virtual simulation for therapeutic communication
- Sous-thème : Educating for an Evolving Context
- Nurses’ Education and Perceptions on Climate Change: A Scoping Review
- Supporting Academic Chairs through Neoliberalism Times
- Balancing Act: Equitable approaches of multi-option examinations in nursing undergraduate education
Séances simultanées no 4
- Un total de 27 séances sur une variété de sous-thèmes et de sujets relatifs à la formation en sciences infirmières.
- Sous-thème : Educating for an Evolving Context
- Career Confidence Counts: Retaining Nursing Students and New Grads
- Let’s talk! Implementation of a structured Clinical Dialogue Guide for educators to advance nursing student practice
- RPN to RN stream: Honouring pre-existing knowledge and expertise
- Exploring Simulation-Based Facilitator Development Training: A Scoping Review
- The Professional Development of Nursing Externs within the Nursing Innovation Program at an Urban Community Teaching Hospital
- Summer Camp Integration in a Young Families Nursing Course: Innovating Clinical Education for Evolving Contexts
- UPLIFT (Undergraduate Peer Leadership in Family Nursing Teams): a cross institutional educational innovation in peer mentorship
- Transition to Practice for Internationally Educated Nurses
- Evolving together: A health authority and post-secondary institution collaborative to support undergraduates to enter complex care areas upon graduation
- Nursing Education for People and Planet: A Pan-Canadian Collaboration and Survey
- Exploring nurses’ health and well-being in relation to planetary health
- Examining the experience of recurrent acute coronary syndrome in younger men
- Baccalaureate nursing education on aging and working with older people: A scoping review
- New Graduate Nurse Retention and Transition to Practice in Rural Settings: A Mixed Method Study
- The experiences of nursing clinical instructors supporting baccalaureate nursing students’ development of resilience: A qualitative descriptive study
- Sous-thème : It’s Never Just Technology
- To unlearn – student-centered evidence informed solutions to creating psychologically safe simulation learning environments: A case study
- Reimagining experiential learning for graduate nursing leaders: Co-design of a virtual community of practice model
- High fidelity and virtual clinical simulation in undergraduate nursing curricula: Considerations for professional identity formation and justice and equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (EDIA)
- Supporting novice nurses in transitioning to a digitally enabled workplace
- Sous-thème : Beyond Representation, Towards Inclusion and Social Justice
- Lessons learned from attempts at anti-racist allyship
- The Lived Experience of Canadian Indigenous Nursing Students During Clinical Placement
- Sous-thème : Decolonizing Nursing Education in Action
- Implementing Indigenist anti-racist nurse education: examining reflexivity and transformation in a didactic environment
- This Storied Place: From pre-contact to resurgence, a participatory activity
- An Exploration of the Nursing Leaders’ Experiences Addressing Indigenous Health in Ontario Undergraduate Nursing Programs
- A Concept Analysis of Cultural Appreciation in Addressing the Wholistic Health Needs of Indigenous People
- Bringing Foundational Indigenous Values into Inaugural Role as Director of the Office of Social Accountability in Nursing: My Approach, Strengths, and Lessons Learned
- Creating safer healthcare through care giver education: A focus on wellness, resiliency, and cultural safety education at Yukon University
Mardi 28 mai
- Événements d’ouverture du jour 2
- Accueil à la deuxième journée de la conférence.
- Résumé du jour 1 de la conférence.
- Deuxième discours liminaire : Ruth Lee, Ph. D. (Centre CARE pour les infirmières et infirmiers formés à l’étranger, McMaster University), et Edward Cruz, Ph. D (University of Windsor) ont abordé le sujet des facteurs facilitant et contraignant la formation et l’intégration des infirmières et infirmiers formés à l’étranger dans le système des soins de santé canadien.
- Séance de présentation d’affiches du jour 2 : Les participantes et participants ont pris le temps de voir les affiches du jour 2.
Séances simultanées no 5
- Un total de 24 séances sur une variété de sous-thèmes et de sujets relatifs à la formation en sciences infirmières.
- Sous-thème : Educating for an Evolving Context
- The process of designing a concept-based practical nursing program
- Exploring the Experiences of New Graduate Nurses Transitioning to Professional Practice during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Changing the landscape: Developing interprofessional facilitators to develop collaborative practice ready nurses
- Evaluating and Improving A New Graduate Nurse Transition to Practice Program through Design Practices
- Evaluating the Experience of a Preceptor-Led Clinical Placement Model in Undergraduate Nursing Education
- Clinical reasoning workshops: Educating nurses for a complex clinical environment
- What does Nike have that nursing needs? The power of a clear brand
- An analysis of the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of registered nurses toward climate-driven vector-borne diseases
- Building the case for co-collaborative case studies: connecting family nursing to students lived experiences
- New nursing graduates’ decisions and educational preparedness entering practice in rural and remote areas of Manitoba: A mixed method study
- A focused ethnography of the experiences of new PhD-prepared tenure-track nursing faculty
- Sous-thème : Beyond Representation, Towards Inclusion and Social Justice
- Access to sexually transmitted and bloodborne infections (STBBI) services in African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) communities during the pandemic in Canada
- Student-led simulation project in a mental health undergraduate nursing course: A convergent parallel mixed methods study
- Enhancing Healthcare through the Active Offer of French Language Service: Creation and Evaluation of Interprofessional Virtual Simulation Modules
- Anti-Racist Action in Nursing: Using Arts-Based Methods (Film) to Foster Dialogue and Actionable Change
- Cultivating knowledge justice in nursing education: A path to decolonized evidence-based practice
- The development of a School of Nursing Student Anti-Racism Caucus (SARC): The need for institutional buy-in and tripartite leadership between faculty, staff and students
- Building a concept-based curriculum with emphasis on universal human experience
- Trauma and violence informed nursing education
- Promoting sense of belonging: Undergraduate nursing students’ experiences transitioning from online to in-person learning environments
- Sous-thème : Decolonizing Nursing Education in Action
- Iiyikinaami: Lessons learned from the BN Program at Old Sun Community College
- Developing a Toolkit for Nurse Educators to Foster Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Health of Families Curriculum
- Anti-racism needs to be spread not sprinkled
- Trauma-informed Care in Undergraduate Nursing Education: An Integrative Review
Séances simultanées no 6
- Un total de 26 séances sur une variété de sous-thèmes et de sujets relatifs à la formation en sciences infirmières.
- Sous-thème : Educating for an Evolving Context
- Focused Ethnography using Netnographic Strategies for Caring in Children
- Undergraduate mental health theory course development: grounded in the unprecedented global context reflected in the new Canadian Standards for Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing 5th ed.
- A Peer Mentor Program for Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Mental Health
- Navigating the PACU: A Generalist Nurse’s Roadmap
- Partnership and Collaboration between Academia and Clinical Practice to Support Nursing Preceptors
- Comfort in nursing education: the role of the professor
- Grounded theory about nursing students learning transfer from classroom to clinical practice: implications for nursing education
- Is mental health nursing a true specialty?
- High School Dropout Rates as a Public Health Issue
- Drawing on Micro-Credentials as an Innovative Means to Address Nurse Educator Workforce Challenges
- Nursing Students’ Perspectives on Work in the Continuing Care Sector during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Identifying emerging trends and gaps in the evaluation of community-based nurse- and student-led clinics: Results of a scoping review
- Sous-thème : Beyond Representation, Towards Inclusion and Social Justice
- Thriving as a Nurse with a Learning Disability: The Lived Experience of Recent Graduates as They Transition into Clinical Practice
- A focused ethnography exploring caring patterns among planetary health nurses
- Sous-thème : Decolonizing Nursing Education in Action
- Knowledge Bundle Unpacked: Examining the work of third year student learning within an Indigenist pedagogical framework
- Decolonizing the dissertation
- Disrupting the echoes of racism: Cultivating cultural humility, safety, competence and anti-racism for decolonization and inclusion in Canadian nursing education
- Sous-thème : It’s Never Just Technology
- Growing the nurses of tomorrow: comparing learning modalities for registered nurse preceptors
- Effective use of the CASN informatics competencies to prepare students to work in the electronic health record enabled healthcare
- Responding to racism in the classroom and clinical settings: Preliminary results of a multi-site evaluation of a virtual simulation education module for nursing students
- A Qualitative Study on Innovating clinical nursing education using virtual technology to combat the effects of COVID-19
- Transforming teaching and learning experiences in nursing education using Turk Talks
- Exploring the acceptability and feasibility of virtual reality and standardized patient simulations in nursing education: Qualitative results from a pilot study
- Enhancing clinical judgement through a hybrid multi-patient simulation experience
- Sous-thème : Enseigner dans le cadre d’un contexte en évolution
- Réussir un partenariat de recherche-action en contexte de formation clinique en sciences infirmières : résultats d’une étude sur l’appropriation d’une unité collaborative d’apprentissage
- Soutien infirmier à la capacité d’adaptation des parents aux changements climatiques pour protéger la santé des enfants : Étude sur les perceptions infirmières et recommandations pour la formation
- Présentation spéciale : Monica McAlduff, infirmière-administratrice en chef de la Régie de la santé des Premières Nations en Colombie-Britannique, a présenté le rôle de l’infirmière ou de l’infirmier dans la promulgation du principe de Jordan dans le système de soins de santé canadien.
Séances simultanées no 7
- Un total de 25 séances sur une variété de sous-thèmes et de sujets relatifs à la formation en sciences infirmières.
- Sous-thème : Educating for an Evolving Context
- Strengthening Foundations: A program response to a planned 100% seat increase in a British Columbia family nurse practitioner program
- Support Students Experiencing Racism in the Clinical Setting – A Clinical Instructor Faculty Development Resource
- Innovations in genomics education for nurse practitioners
- Transdisciplinary work integrated learning: An innovative approach to virtual clinical practice
- Enhancing the Transition to Professional Practice for New Graduate Nurses: A Co-Designed Course Implementation and Evaluation Plan
- Addressing Registered Nurse Shortages in New Brunswick: An Innovative Educational Pathway
- Knowledge, perceptions and attitudes of Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses regarding role clarity
- Teaching compassion – Creating opportunities for teaching diversity, equity, and inclusion by supporting mental health and substance use inpatient acute in delivering harm reduction strategies
- The Health for All Partnership (HAP): Developing an innovative health clinic with integrated learning
- An Education Evaluation of the Nursing Orientation and Onboarding Process at a Community Teaching Hospital
- Revolutionizing Nursing Education in a Digital Information Age
- Bridging the Gap: Learn with the Aging Patients Teaching Strategy in Family Nurse Practitioner Education
- CO-TEACH: Creative Opportunities for Teaching Excellence in Nursing Education
- Implementing a model of excellence in interprofessional primary care nurse practitioner clinical education
- Adapting to the changing health care environment and the growing need to care for cancer patients by incorporating nursing education through a learning pathway
- Educating for an evolving context at Alberta Health Services: the registered nurse prescribing initiative
- Sous-thème : It’s Never Just Technology
- Students-as-Partners (SaP) in Virtual Simulation
- Faculty and student perspectives on the development and use of a new virtual simulation game to support problem-based learning
- Sous-thème : Decolonizing Nursing Education in Action
- Decolonizing Nursing: An Ecological Approach to Incivility and Racialized Incivility Experiences of Nurses in Northern and rural Indigenous practice contexts
- Embodying Kisêwâtisiwin
- Embracing cultural sensitivity and Indigenization: An end-of-life Indigenous simulation
- Sous-thème : Beyond Representation, Towards Inclusion and Social Justice
- Transformational change toward justice in nursing education: Learning from exploring and responding to discrimination among nursing students
- The Impact of Racism and Historical Trauma on vaccine hesitancy among African, Caribbean and Black Canadians during COVID-19 – restoring public trust using the socio-ecological model
- Enhancing understanding of cultural safety and humility through the use of the Best Practice Guideline (BPG) in an academic Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO)
- Disrupting assumptions and taking action: The development of an OER for inclusive approaches to anthropometric body measurement assessments
Séances simultanées no 8
- Un total de 27 séances sur une variété de sous-thèmes et de sujets relatifs à la formation en sciences infirmières.
- Sous-thème : Beyond Representation, Towards Inclusion and Social Justice
- The Alliance against Violence and Adversity (AVA): The Canadian Institutes of Health Research Training Platform and Women’s and Girls’ Health Hub
- An adaptation of the 21-day racial equity and social justice habit building challenge(c) as a disruptive approach to transforming nursing education
- A Transformative and Emancipatory Writing Curriculum for Undergraduate Nursing Students
- Sous-thème : Educating for an Evolving Context
- The LPN-to-BN Pathway – “Unlearning, Disrupting, and Re-learning”
- Campus clinical: Re-envisioning authentic learning experiences
- Is the use of virtual simulation games effective in a theory course? Exploring the use of virtual simulation in a community health nursing theory course
- Examining faculty and administrator perceptions of primary care nursing education within Canadian baccalaureate nursing programs: A qualitative descriptive study
- Preparing Next Generation of Nurses to Care for Breastfeeding Mothers during Disasters: A Call to Action in Nursing Curriculum
- Building an understanding of Indigenous Health using a layered approach for first year students
- Responding and reflecting on the changing context for Internationally Educated Nurses’ education
- Responding to the Nursing shortage: Time for a Reset
- Addressing increasing acuity in healthcare: an innovation in intravenous skills education
- Best Practices for Addressing Microaggressions in Geriatric Clinical Settings
- Shifting the focus of what it means to be a nurse leader using emotional intelligence and critical theory
- Promoting equity and inclusion: Using critical thinking tools to uncover and address undergraduate nursing students’ implicit biases
- IENnovative Transition to Registered Nursing in Canada: A Unique Approach to Nursing Education for Internationally Educated Nurses in Canada
- Exploring the Postpartum Journey: Immigrant First-Time Mothers’ Experiences
- Post-Operative Pain Intensity in South Asian Females with Breast Cancer Undergoing Mastectomy or Lumpectomy: A Feasibility Descriptive Observational Study
- Beyond diversity, equity, and inclusion: A paradigm shift towards cultivating belonging for Black students in nursing education
- To explore barriers to advancement for Black nursing faculty at higher learning institutions in Canada: An institutional ethnography
- The Intimate partner violence experiences among Middle Eastern immigrant women living in Ottawa during their perinatal period
- Creating an interprovincial catalyst for clinical nursing research translation and partnership
- Using interpretive description to explore how participation in a clinical externship influences the transition to practice of newly graduated nurses
- Workplace Retention Frameworks for Nursing in Long-Term Care: An Integrative Review
- Models of Rural Clinical Nursing Education: Describing the Past to Shape the Future
- Suicide ideation and suicide behaviours in older adults: a critical review
- Insights for the nurse educator community from new nurse graduate experiences transitioning into practice in long-term care and home and community care sectors
- Événements de clôture de la conférence
- La directrice générale de l’ACESI, Cynthia Baker, a annoncé les gagnantes et gagnants de la ludification et des affiches.
- Le jour 2, une séance/réflexion en cercle d’Aînées et Aînés autochtones et une prière de clôture ont été dirigées par les Aînés Doreen, Herman Yellow Old Woman et Judy Pelly.
- La présidente de l’ACESI, Alice Gaudine, a prononcé l’allocution de clôture.
Ressources supplémentaires pour la conférence :
- Soins culturels : Des soins culturels ont été prodigués aux participantes et participants pendant la conférence par les Aînés Doreen Spence, Herman Yellow Old Woman, Gwen Campbell-McArthur, Judy Pelly, Colleen Seymour et Mabel Lena Horton.
- Soutien en santé mentale : Un soutien en matière de santé mentale a été fourni aux participantes et participants pendant la conférence par Amanda Loates et Jacqueline Smith.
- Rencontres d’affinité : Une salle d’affinité a été mise à disposition pour permettre aux groupes de participantes et participants de se rencontrer pendant la conférence.
Pour toute question concernant le discours liminaire ou les présentations par affiche ou simultanées, ou pour demander une copie de l’une des présentations de l’événement, veuillez communiquer directement avec la personne responsable de la présentation.
Galerie de photos
Lors de la conférence, plusieurs d’entre vous ont eu le plaisir de rencontrer notre excellente photographe événementielle, Karla Sanderson <ksanderson@bowvalleycollege.ca> de Bow Valley College. Si Augustine a pris votre photo lors de l’événement, vous pourrez en trouver une copie dans notre galerie de photos de l’événement.
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