CASN Website Redevelopment Project Request for Proposals (RFP) – Web Developer

UPDATE: The bidding period for this RFP closed at 2:00 p.m. EDT on April 19, 2024. Proposals received after that period will not be considered.

CASN is seeking an experienced website development company (“Web Developer”) to support the Association in redeveloping its website. CASN welcomes proposals (en anglais seulement) in response to the CASN Website Redevelopment Project request for proposals (RFP). Questions are to be submitted via email to no later than (April 15, 2024) 5 days prior to the close of the RFP. Answers to questions will be provided in writing no later than (April 17, 2024) 2 days after their receipt. Proposals are to be submitted in PDF form via email to no later than 2:00 p.m. EDT on April 19, 2024. See the full RFP pdf for details.

CASN Website Redevelopment Project RFP

May 3, 2024 – NOTICE OF AWARD


  1. CASN: Addendum 1 – CORRECTION to note # 1 on page 22 under Website RFP and Project Timelines: All website consolidation and content enhancement migration work (E.1.) should be completed and invoiced by June 30, 2024, with additional development to be completed by June 30, 2025.
  2. CASN: Addendum 2 – Due to the volume of questions received, the date of award indicated on page 22 of the RFP and subsequent project start date may be revised, at CASN’s discretion, should we receive more bids than initially anticipated.
  3. CASN: Addendum 3 – REVISION to date of award and start date: The date of award – indicated on page 22 of the RFP – has been revised to April 30, 2024, and the project start date has been revised to May 6, 2024.
  4. CASN: Addendum 4 – REVISION to date of award and start date: The date of award indicated on page 22 of the RFP has been revised to May 3, 2024, and the project start date has been revised to May 8, 2024.
  5. CASN: Notice of Award – CASN has evaluated the proposals received using the evaluation criteria identified in the RFP, and CASN is hereby announcing its conditional contract award to the following bidder: Enginess.

Questions and Answers (en anglais seulement)

  1. I just wanted to confirm if you would like to continue with WordPress or are open to considering a new Content Management System like Drupal 10. Please let me know what you prefer.
    • CASN: We are open to considering a new Content Management System like Drupal 10.
  2. Can the work be done remotely by Indian registered firms?
    • CASN: The work may be done remotely. We will consider proposals from experienced website development companies.
  3. Regarding the User Portal component — is there any existing infrastructure or software that CASN is hoping to build off of? Or is this component intended to be built from the ground up?
    • CASN: There isn’t any existing infrastructure or software. The User Portal component will need to be built/provided by the selected Web Developer.
  4. Will content consolidation (e.g. reducing the 1,600 pages to 200) be carried out by CASN’s team, the chosen vendor, or by working together?
    • CASN: The consolidation will be carried out by CASN’s team. The selected Web Developer will support CASN in transporting the consolidated content from the old website to the new website.
  5. Is CASN open to proposals from US-based vendors?
    • CASN: Proposals from US-based vendors will be considered.
  6. Has any work towards the personas or the consolidated sitemap been done? If so, can you share any of that with us?
    • CASN: CASN has a consolidated sitemap for the main site. This information will be provided to the selected Web Developer.
  7. Does CASN have a documented style guide or graphics standard to be followed?
    • CASN: CASN has a document style guide and graphics standard. This information will be provided to the selected Web Developer.
  8. Is the plan that all the consolidated websites will also share the design and layout for the new CASN website? IE conference site.
    • CASN: Ideally all the consolidated websites will share a common design and layout with subtle branding differences, i.e. logo, accent colors, etc.
  9. Do you have a preferred Content Management System (CMS) or technology preference?
    • CASN: We do not have a preferred Content Management System (CMS) or technology preference. We are most familiar with WordPress however alternatives will be considered.
  10. What kind of support are you looking for? IE content updates, template tweaks, ongoing training, SEO tasks?
    • CASN: The support services we are looking for are clearly indicated in the RFP under Section E. Future State Objectives and Scope of Work. The scope includes but is not limited to: template tweaks and SEO tasks.
  11. Is there any flexibility in the described budget?
    • CASN: The is no flexibility in the described budget.
  12. What will be the role for DE Systems in this new consolidated website?
    • CASN: DE Systems’ role is clearly described in the RFP under Appendix C – D.E. Systems.
  13. We see reference to, is the plan to keep this AMS or phased out?
    • CASN: The functions we prefer to be integrated and/or replaced are clearly indicated in the RFP under section A.3. Objective.
  14. Is the intention that the new website replace DE Systems member registration, management and member portal or just integrate data?
    • CASN: Due to the complexity of services provided by DE Systems, it is our preference that they be integrated into the new website. Proposed alternative arrangements will be considered.
  15. Do the 5 e-resource websites have the same type of content? Ie PDF or content managed. What is the functionality of the 5 sites that will need to be replicated?
    • CASN: The 5 e-resource websites have the same type of content which is comprised of learning modules which provide nursing students with foundational knowledge and interactive case studies which allow nursing students to test their knowledge. As described in the RFP, the selected Web Developer will ensure all the original functionality for each E-resource will be maintained when consolidated into the LMS, including any existing evaluation, reporting, analytics, progress saving, and certificates for module completion, etc. The E-resources will operate the same in the LMS as they did as independent sites.
  16. Can the content from the program websites and resource websites all be exported in a structured format?
    • CASN: The selected Web Developer will need to collaborate with the website hosts to confirm the content export details and ensure that all content is transported to the new website.
  17. It would also be great to get a little background on the requirements that lead to CASN creating all these independent websites over time?
    • CASN: All relevant background information on the requirement can be found in the RFP.
  18. Can you prioritize the functionality requirements and features listed in the RFP, including items from the wish list?
    • CASN: The functionality requirements and wish list items are listed by priority in the RFP.
  19. Could you provide more details on the existing third-party services and how they integrate with your current website? Are there any specific technical challenges you’ve faced with these integrations?
    • CASN: Information on how the third-party services are integrated is detailed in the RFP. Specific technical challenges with these integrations are detailed in the RFP. See Appendix B Integration Options and Appendix C, Functions, and Integration Options.
  20. It would also be great to get a little background on the requirements that lead to CASN creating all these independent websites over time?
    • CASN: All relevant background information on the requirement can be found in the RFP.
  21. Can you specify the volume and formats of the data to be migrated to the new website? Are there any particular concerns regarding data integrity or loss?
    • CASN: The numbers of pages of the website to be migrated are listed in the RFP. For the most part, the data is comprised of text, images, and pdfs. There are no concerns regarding data integrity or loss.
  22. Are there specific AODA compliance standards or benchmarks you aim to meet with the new website? Could you provide examples or resources for these standards?
  23. Do you have specific design themes or examples of websites that you find appealing and would like to emulate in terms of look and feel?
    • CASN: A list of example websites can be found in the RFP under Appendix A.
  24. What specific functionalities do you require from the LMS? Are there particular types of content or interaction you want to support?
    • CASN: As described in the RFP, the selected Web Developer will ensure all the original functionality for each E-resource will be maintained when consolidated into the LMS, including any existing evaluation, reporting, analytics, progress saving, and certificates for module completion, etc. The E-resources will operate the same in the LMS as they did as independent sites.
  25. Could you elaborate on the expected volume and types of transactions for the e-commerce and donation functionalities?
    • The expected volume and type of transactions for the e-commerce functionalities can be found in the RFP. Examples are listed under section G.9 Service Functions Registration and G.10 Event Registration.
  26. How many stakeholders will there be from the client-side, and will a project lead be appointed?
    • CASN: There will be 6 stakeholders from the client-side. A project lead will be appointed.
  27. How much content will need to be migrated from old main site to new CMS ?
    • CASN: The numbers of pages of the website to be migrated are listed in the RFP. See section A.2. CASN Websites. For the most part, the data is comprised of text, images, and pdfs.
  28. How much of the current content is to be rewritten vs moved over vs. new content created from scratch?
    • CASN: Most of the content is already written. The selected Web Developer will be provided with all content to be incorporated. As stated in the RFP, we will be removing roughly 75% of the outdated content from the site and consolidating the remaining content from the main site and that of our program and e-resource websites.
  29. How many web administrators do you expect to have at launch?
    • CASN: We expect to have 1 primary web administrator and 1 support administrator at launch.
  30. In the RFP document pg 32, in a bullet point you mention that all website consolidation and content enhancement migration work listed in D.1 to be completed and invoiced by June 30 2024. … Do you mean E.1 ?.. D.1 is a diagram for Current State only . Please confirm / clarify.
    • CASN: Addendum 1 – CORRECTION to note # 1 on page 22 under Website RFP and Project Timelines: “All website consolidation and content enhancement migration work (E.1.) should be completed and invoiced by June 30, 2024, with additional development to be completed by June 30, 2025.”
  31. Please describe some main pain points to your current platform
    • CASN: All relevant pain points to be addressed are described in the RFP.
  32. Currently you are using WP version 6.4.3… Do you wish to continue with WP as your platform of choice or are you open to new CMS platforms ?
    • CASN: We do not have a preferred Content Management System (CMS) or technology preference. We are most familiar with WordPress however alternatives will be considered.
  33. Is the CASN open to selecting a CMS platform during planning vs. just a direct recommendation during the RFP process? ( This would allow CASN to review more than one platform through both demos and trial accounts to ensure fit, along with clear visibility into each platform’s total cost of ownership.)
    • CASN: We are open to selecting a CMS platform during the planning phase.
  34. Is there any organizational predisposition to a specific CMS platform or technology stack, i.e. .NET or PHP?
    • CASN: We do not have a preferred Content Management System (CMS) or technology preference.
  35. Are there specific Service Level requirements around uptime and resolution response times?
    • CASN: We do not have specific level requirements around uptime and resolution response times.
  36. Are there any social media integrations of Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook etc..
    • CASN: We would like any available social media integration.
  37. Can you please share with us all of the business platforms/ tools (CRM) that you currently use which would require integration?
    • CASN: All required business platforms/tools (CRM) that we currently use which would require integration are listed in the RFP.
  38. How many firms are responding?
    • CASN: The number of firms responding to this public RFP is unknown.
  39. Is your current provider(s) submitting as part of this RFP?
    • CASN: It is unknown whether our current provider is submitting as part of this RFP.
  40. If not, why are you moving away from the current provider?
    • CASN: We are seeking the support of an experienced website development company to support the Association in redeveloping its website.
  41. Will Q&A addendums be made available to all registered vendors ?
    • CASN: Any RFP addendum or questions and answers will be added to the following webpage:
  42. What are the key performance indicators(KPIs) that CASN would like to track post-launch?
    • CASN: We would like standard website performance indicators to be tracked post-launch e.g. bounce rate, average session duration, and click-through rate (CTR), etc. as well as any KPIs recommended by the selected Web Developer.
  43. We want to conduct a full audit of traffic and page analytics on the CASN’s website; does the Centre have previous analytics that will be made available?
    • CASN: The information you have requested will be provided to the selected Web Developer.
  44. Can we review any user feedback or data as part of the UX/UI design process?
    • CASN: The information you have requested will be provided to the selected Web Developer.
  45. Can you list all integrations?
    • CASN: All integrations are listed in the RFP.
  46. Will there be any new content created for the site?
    • CASN: Any new content will be created by CASN.
  47. Is there a need for a content audit to identify outdated or irrelevant content?
    • CASN: Outdated content will be identified by CASN. Content to be included in the new website will be identified by CASN and provided to the selected Web Developer.
  48. Can you further define what you mean by “search strategy”?
    • CASN: This term is not referenced in the RFP.
  49. What types of vendors have you asked for proposals from?
    • CASN: We have solicited proposals from experienced website development companies.
  50. What type of vendor are you looking for to partner with? Do they need to be local? Be industry-specific? What does your “dream” vendor look like?
    • CASN: The work may be done remotely. We will consider proposals from experienced website development companies that meet all the mandatory criteria set out in the RFP.
  51. Is a phased implementation to spread out costs, an option being considered?
    • CASN: A phased implementation option will be considered.
  52. Are there any compliance requirements or data security concerns which need to be addressed or considered?
    • CASN: As stated in the RFP, the online security of the new website must follow information security best practices (e.g., Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, Get Cyber Safe) and protect CASN’s private information. The security must be compatible with Chase Paymentech.
  53. Who are the people that will be actively involved in the project and the decision making process? Is this being overseen by a particular department or a particular person?
    • CASN: There will be 6 members from CASN’s Leadership Team actively involved in the project and the decision-making process. This is being overseen by the Communications department.
  54. Are there budget constraints to be aware of? Certainly, organizations like to keep budget secret to illicit the “best value”. But with a website project, it can make the difference in the technology, features, and solutions proposed. Is it appropriate to say the budget is under $50,000, under $100,000 or over?
    • CASN: Project budget details are described in the RFP. The budget for the CASN Website Redevelopment Project is set at a range of C$50,000 to C$100,000, including design, development, and testing costs. Please note that C$50,000 of the budget must be invoiced by June 30, 2024, and the remaining C$50,000 will be invoiced before June 30, 2025.
  55. Are you open to a fixed-fee Discovery that would define the complete scope, and then an estimate for the generally estimated execution of the rest of the project (dependent on the results of that Discovery)?
    • CASN: All pricing scenarios will be considered. As stated in the RFP, bidders are asked to provide a detailed breakdown of the budget, specifying the allocation of funds for each phase.
  56. The site is currently built on WordPress – understanding your preference would be to stay with it, given the potential complexity of the future state site are you open to exploring alternative platforms if necessary?
    • CASN: We do not have a preferred Content Management System (CMS) or technology preference. We are most familiar with WordPress, however, alternatives will be considered.
  57. Do you have an established development workflow? Is it git-based?
    • CASN: We do not have an established development workflow. Proposed workflows will be considered. Proposed workflows should fulfill the New Website Objectives.
  58. Do you have any specific requirements for your hosting solution?
    • CASN: We do not have any specific requirements for the hosting solution. As per the RFP, we welcome proposals from interested Web Developers for the responsibility and cost of hosting the new main website  for 1 year with an option to renew the agreement for an additional year. This is an optional scope item and budget that is separate from the website development budget.
  59. Will each site be on a separate subdomains or domains or just another path inside domain. com/somepath?
    • CASN: We endeavour to consolidate, as much as possible, our independent websites under one website and admin system. Ideally, each site will be another path inside the main domain, however, proposals that propose each site be on separate subdomains will be considered.
  60. In Appendix C: “We would like more access to the backend to customize as we currently have limited access with D.E.”  Exactly what kind of extra access do you want on the backend. What is the current workflow now?
    • CASN: Additional training would be helpful from DE Systems for anything related to adding logos, posters, templates etc.
  61. We understand that D.E System a registration and payment system for your membership. Is there currently any kind of integration between D.E System and your ELearning system? Is there an integration with Meazure and D.E System?
    • CASN: There is no integration between DE Systems and our e-resources. DE Systems handles registration for items that require payment. Our e-resources are free and public-access and user registration for each is handled by the site host. There is no integration between Meazure and D.E Systems.
  62. Why do you want to fully integrate Program 3 content on the Main Site? Is there something you currently don’t like/need on BePress?
    • CASN: The is nothing wrong with the BePress site. As per the RFP, we would prefer to consolidate as much as possible under one website experience, however, due to BePress’s proprietary nature, fully integrating Program website 3 likely cannot be accomplished by the Web Developer, which is why this is an optional task.
  63. On E.1.3 you need to “Remove outdated pages and implement automation to ensure outdated information is archived once it is no longer current”. What is considered outdated information? Is there a way to recognize it so it can be automatically disposed?
    • CASN: Outdated information will be identified by CASN. The selected Web Developer will be provided with all content to be incorporated.
  64. In G.1.1.2 You mention the E-resource sites. Are these primarily content driven, or are there files, data charts, etc. that would need to come over?
    • CASN: The 5 e-resource websites have the same type of content which is, for the most part, comprised of interactive modules containing text, images, tables, and video. As described in the RFP, the selected Web Developer will ensure all the original functionality for each E-resource will be maintained when consolidated into the LMS, including any existing content, evaluation, reporting, analytics, progress saving, and certificates for module completion, etc. The E-resources will operate the same in the LMS as they did as independent sites..
  65. Can you give us the number of existing evaluations, reporting, analytics, number of current users, certificates and modules completion that you currently have on the five E-resource  sites?
    • CASN: The information you have request will be provided to the selected Web Developer.
  66. Tell us about your main maintenance problems with your site. Do your external providers do it for you? Who is responsible for the maintenance of the sites on your current schema?
    • CASN: All maintenance is currently handled by our IT coordinator in collaboration with external providers.
  67. Do we have access to manipulate code in the D.E. System? There are multiple required and optional requirements like “automate the remind for reviewers) that seem like we will need to change the behavior of DE System. Or do you want to create a backend system that Adds functionality via API calls to DE Systems
    • CASN: The selected Web Developer will need to coordinate with DE Systems to accomplish some of the integration described in the RFP.
  68. In E.2 2.E There’s a requirement “View individual history of events, courses, exams, etc., and download completion certificates (as applicable)”. -> Does this information comes from DE System? Is it consumable?
    • CASN: Select user history information (e.g. history of events, courses, exams, etc.) will need to be sourced from and linked to external provider platforms (e.g. DE Systems, Moodle, Meazure). The selected Web Developer will need to coordinate with external providers to accomplish select User Portal functionality requirements.
  69. In E.2 2.G “For Board of Director members (to be verified by CASN), access information, calendars, and meetings and participate during elections, motions, etc.” Where does this information comes from?
    • CASN: Select information that will be accessible to Board of Director members will be inputted in the website backend by CASN, e.g. calendars, meetings, and polls related to election, motions, etc.
  70. In E.2 2.I  For member school administrative representatives (to be verified by CASN), manage their annual school membership with CASN through the User Portal (see G.4. CASN  Membership System). Where does this information comes from? Does the data from all schools come with information about school representatives and members?
    • CASN: Select information that will be accessible to school administrative representatives will be inputted in the website backend by CASN, e.g. annual school membership details.
  71. What Information do Schools send when they renew their annual membership? A list of members, representatives? Should we have to work with that list? Are those members able to do additional actions on the site? Should each member have a user on the portal?
    • CASN: Select school administrative representatives (i.e.1 per school, on a list provided to the Web Developer by CASN) will be able manage their annual school membership with CASN through the User Portal, e.g. complete a registration form, pay membership fees, view/download membership certificates, etc.
  72. Regarding the Newsletter, is there any info that you want to automate? For example the ads from your paid advertisements. Should a system automatically create the newsletter that should be sent to your users? Should we have a different newsletter according to the role of the user?
    • CASN: As per the RFP, we would prefer that Constant Contact be partially integrated into the User Portal to enable users to join a newsletter list via a Constant Contact HTML form and manage their email marketing subscriptions from within the main website. The system does not need to automatically create a newsletter. Newsletters will be created by CASN in Constant Contact. Please note, this is an option scope item.
  73. How many staff user licenses for the software will be required to manage all outlined functions on the one solution. This will include: member dues/renewals, event/course programs, email marketing, professional development, etc.?  This is an important factor for pricing the software for CASN.
    • CASN: Approximately 6 users from CASN will require access to the system to be able to manage all outlined functions on the one solution.
  74. What is CASN’s openness to discontinue the current DE Systems support of registrations, events/conferences and ecommerce?
    • CASN: As per the RFP, we endeavour to consolidate, as much as possible, our current matrix of independent websites and third-party services/software under one website and admin system. However, we suspect the service functions supported by DE Systems are too complex to be replicated. Proposed alternative scenarios that incorporate our New Website Objectives will be considered.
  75. Is it preferable to stay with Moodle for the next year or is there openness to changing now?
    • CASN: As per the RFP, we endeavour to consolidate, as much as possible, our current matrix of independent websites and third-party services/software under one website and admin system. However, we suspect the service functions supported by Moodle are too complex to be replicated. Proposed alternative scenarios that incorporate our New Website Objectives will be considered.
  76. What software is currently being used for Abstract management?
    • CASN: D.E. Systems software/service is currently being used for Abstract management.
  77. Could you please confirm if offshore IT development companies are also eligible to submit proposals?
    • CASN: Proposals from offshore IT development companies will be considered.
  78. Would you need any copywriting or content migration services?
    • CASN: Copywriting services are not included in the scope of work. Content migration services are included in the scope of work described in the RFP.
  79. Would you need any original or stock videography or photography?
    • CASN: Stock videography and photography are not included the scope of work described in the RFP.
  80. Is there a CMS that you have a preference for over the other?
    • CASN: We do not have a preferred Content Management System (CMS). We are most familiar with WordPress, however, alternatives will be considered.
  81. Could we request an extension to the submission deadline?
    • CASN: An extension to the submission deadline will not be granted.
  82. Could you let us know if you are open to an east coast agency to do this work as we have for numerous other clients across the country for similar engagements or do you have a local preference?
    • CASN: We will consider proposals from experienced website development companies.
  83. Do you have a preference for an LMS system(s) that we could investigate the costs to build an interface for?
    • CASN: We do not have a preferred Learning Management System (LMS).
  84. Who is responsible for procuring, implementing and migrating the LMS?
    • CASN: The selected Web Developer will be responsible for providing the LMS.
  85. Is there a separate budget for the LMS?
    • CASN: The is not a separate budget for the LMS.
  86. “2.12 Article-based highlights slider to the home page that can be easily updated and through the admin portal” – Please can you explain further
    • CASN: Otherwise known as a news slider, it will be designed to display content and showcase CASN news, articles, or blog posts.
  87. In our experience, the project requirements are ambitious for the budget stated. Will CASN consider an MVP approach, with phased deliverables thereafter?
    • CASN: The is no flexibility in the budget described in the RFP.
  88. Will all vendor questions and answers be published to all bidders?
    • CASN: Any RFP addendum or questions and answers can be found on our website.
  89. Could you please confirm if the $100,000 budget is still a firm limit or if there might be flexibility to consider proposals that exceed this amount?
    • CASN: The $100,000 budget is still a firm limit. The is no flexibility in the budget described in the RFP.
  90. Are we consolidating all websites under a single domain like a network site setup, or do you intend to refresh each separate domain individually?
    • CASN: Ideally, all websites will be consolidated under a single domain like a network site setup. However, proposals that propose to refresh each separate domain individually will be considered.
  91. Are there any specific goals or objectives for the consolidation of the websites and service functions?
    • CASN: We endeavor to consolidate, as much as possible, our independent websites and services under one website and admin system to improve user experience and increase efficiency and security. Additional goals are described in the RFP.
  92. Are there any specific performance or scalability requirements for the LMS, considering the consolidation of content from multiple sources?
    • CASN: As per the RFP, the selected Web Developer will ensure all the original functionality for each E-resource will be maintained when consolidated into the LMS, including any existing evaluation, reporting, analytics, progress saving, and certificates for module completion, etc. The E-resources will operate the same in the LMS as they did as independent sites.
  93. What level of security measures do you require for the user portal, especially concerning authentication and secure payments?
    • CASN: As per the RFP, the online security must follow information security best practices and protect CASN’s private information. The security must be compatible with Chase Paymentech.
  94. Can you provide more details on the qualifications and roles that CASN staff will need to manage within the user portal?
    • CASN: As described in the RFP, users can be broken down into two categories: members and non-members. There are three member-school representative subgroups: Deans/Directors, Faculty, and Students. Other unique user roles described in the RFP include CASN admin/staff, Board of Director members, member school administrative representatives, accreditation reviewers, and course and exam participants.
  95. Do you have any preferences regarding the communication methods within the user portal?
    • CASN: Ideally the communication methods within the user portal will enable CASN admin/staff to send messages to select users/groups, share content, files, surveys, event/calendar invites, and email users through the system.
  96. Is there an existing SEO strategy in place?
    • CASN: There is a limited existing SEO strategy in place.
  97. Is there a specific hosting service preference?
    • CASN: There is no specific hosting service preference.
  98. Are there plans to capture payments within any CRM system? If yes, which system?
    • CASN: As per the RFP, we will require an e-commerce site that is easy to navigate with a seamless checkout process and that creates a stress-free shopping experience for our members and customers. It must be compatible with Chase Paymentech.
  99. Would you like assistance with content migration, or do you prefer to handle it internally?
    • CASN: Content migration services are included in the scope of work described in the RFP.
  100. Are you looking for assistance with copy writing?
    • CASN: Copywriting services are not included in the scope of work.
  101. Are there any integration requirements with third-party systems for event management, such as payment gateways or abstract management tools?
    • CASN: The integration requirements with third-party systems are described in the RFP.
  102. How do you envision the integration of Qualtrics functionality into the website’s surveying capabilities?
    • CASN: As per the RFP, in our future state, Qualtrics will be partially integrated into the main website to enable users to complete surveys, polls, and questionnaires from their user account. Proposed alternative scenarios will be considered.
  103. Will there be any specific requirements for capturing and analyzing survey responses within the Qualtrics platform?
    • CASN: Ideally, responses to surveys, polls, and questionnaires that are inputted by users through the user portal will be captured and analyzed within the Qualtrics platform. Proposed alternative scenarios will be considered.
  104. Are there any specific requirements for the e-commerce functionality, such as payment methods, shipping options, or inventory management?
    • CASN: As per the RFP, we require a secure online storefront that will enable users to register and pay for events and products and make donations. This should have a seamless checkout process that accepts all popular forms of e-commerce. While we do not currently sell and ship physical products directly, the system should allow for shipping options and inventory management capability.
  105. Do you anticipate any future expansion of the storefront beyond event registrations and product purchases?
    • CASN: While we do not currently sell and ship physical products directly, the system should allow for shipping and inventory management capability.
  106. Are there any specific reporting or analytics requirements for tracking the performance of advertisements?
    • CASN: The third-party advertisement system should enable reporting of common metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, cost per acquisition (CPA), return on ad spend (ROAS), customer lifetime value (CLV), etc.
  107. Do you have any specific preferences or requirements regarding the choice of the technology stack for the LMS?
    • CASN: We do not have a preferred technology stack for the LMS.
  108. Will there be any need for customization or integration with existing systems within the LMS?
    • CASN: As per the RFP, all the original functionality for each E-resource will be maintained when consolidated into the LMS, including any existing evaluation, reporting, analytics, progress saving, and certificates for module completion, etc. The E-resources will operate the same in the LMS as they did as independent sites.
  109. Are there any specific security requirements or compliance standards that need to be considered when integrating with Constant Contact? Constant Contact is at best good for broadcast. Do you have migration to a marketing automation on your roadmap?
    • CASN: As per the RFP, would prefer that Constant Contact be partially integrated into the User Portal to enable users to join a newsletter list via a Constant Contact HTML form and manage their email marketing subscriptions from within the main website. The online security must follow information security best practices (e.g., Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, Get Cyber Safe) and protect CASN’s private information. Additional proposed marketing automation will be considered.
  110. Can you provide more information about the specific security standards and requirements that must be met, particularly in relation to Chase Paymentech compatibility?
    • CASN: The online security must follow information security best practices (e.g., Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, Get Cyber Safe) and protect CASN’s private information. The e-commerce system must be compatible with Chase Paymentech. Additional integration information will be provided to the selected Web Developer.
  111. What factors are driving the timelines?
    • CASN: The timelines are driven by factors described in the RFP that include security, efficiency, user experience, and budget.
  112. What are the key factors or criteria that will be used to evaluate hosting proposals from interested providers?
    • CASN: Hosting of the website is an optional scope item and budget that is separate from the website development budget. The evaluation of hosting proposals will be based on common website hosting criteria e.g. pricing and renewal, bandwidth and storage, SSL, backups, security, extra features, etc.
  113. Are there any specific hosting requirements or performance metrics that need to be met?
    • CASN: There are no specific hosting requirements or performance metrics that need to be met. Proposed hosting requirements or performance metrics will be considered.
  114. Are there plans to consolidate multiple LMS sites into one?
    • CASN: As described in the RFP, the selected Web Developer will ensure all the content and functionality for each of the five E-resources will be consolidated into one LMS.
  115. Is there a specific plugin used for membership management?
    • CASN: The annual membership renewal process is currently managed via an online form and payments are managed by D.E. Systems. See Membership Renewal under Appendix C – D.E. Systems – Functions of the RFP for more information.
  116. How many membership types are available (e.g., monthly, half-year, or yearly)?
    • CASN: School membership is renewed annually in March.
  117. Does the current website have media protection based on membership status?
    • CASN: Our current website has media protection.
  118. What user permissions and roles are supported on the current website? Please provide details of membership levels.
    • CASN: The current website does not offer public user/member accounts access.
  119. Where is the existing membership data stored?
    • CASN: This information will be provided to the selected Web Developer.
  120. Which payment platform is used on the site?
    • CASN: A payment platform is not used on the current site.
  121. Is there support for Single Sign-On (SSO) between WordPress and any other third-party services? If not, is there a plan to implement it?
    • CASN: There is not support for Single Sign-On (SSO) between WordPress and any other third-party services. Proposed plans for implementation will be considered.
  122. Are there any custom API integrations used on the current website?
    • CASN: There are no custom API integrations used on the current website.
  123. Are there plans to utilize a third-party donation form?
    • CASN: As per the RFP, the selected Web Developer will add donation system functionality to replace the current third-party donation form/system.
  124. Is there a specific surveying system in use?
    • CASN: As per the RFP, CASN uses Qualtrics to conduct a variety of surveys, polls, and questionnaires.
  125. Are there any specific third-party advertising platforms being used?
    • CASN: There are not any specific third-party advertising platforms being used.
  126. Could you provide a dummy user account for accessing the dashboard?
    • CASN: This information will be provided to the selected Web Developer.
  127. Is there flexibility with the budget?
    • CASN: The is no flexibility in the described budget.