Ontario Internationally Educated Nurses – Course Consortium

The Ontario Internationally Educated Nurses Course Consortium will be accepting another intake of students to start the competency-bridging program of study in September 2024. Applications will open on the website on June 3, 2024. More information can be found here https://rncompetencies.ca/.

The competency-bridging program of study is designed to help internationally educated nurses meet the College of Nurses of Ontario’s nursing education requirement, the College of Nurses of Ontario’s evidence of recent practice requirement, and become eligible to write the National Council Licensing Exam for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). The components of the program of study include: 1) an orientation to the program of study; 2) an entry to practice competencies for internationally educated nurses course 3) virtual simulation labs; 4) a clinical placement course; and 5) a transition to professional practice course which includes employment supports, NCLEX-RN prep, and virtual simulations on challenging conversations.

All of the courses are offered through Trent University online and are supported by an in-person clinical placement. Students might be eligible for up to $5,000 in tuition assistance through the Ontario Bridging Participant Assistance Program.