Search Results for: nurse practitioner

Publications by Type

Accreditation CASN Accreditation Program Standards 2014 Books Clinical Teaching in Canadian Nursing 2022 The Role of the Nurse Educator in…More

Open Educational Resources for Nursing

Websites/Databases: Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care: an open education resource George Washington University list of open resources:…More

Provincial Information

Provincial Information British Columbia Ministry of Health, Office of the Provincial Health Officer’s Ebola Web-site: Guidance for clinical staff…More

2009 Council Meeting

Dates: November 16th – 18th, 2009 Graduate Studies Forum: November 16th, 2009 Nurse Practitioner Educators Meeting: November 16th, 2009 Council…More

2009 Nursing Research Conference

Theme: Interrelationships between Theory, Research, and Practice: A Systemic Approach in Nursing Date: May 4th – 7th, 2009 Location: Moncton,…More