Brief to House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration (CIMM) Summary Dr. Jean Daniel Jacob, Executive Director of...More Download Powerpoint “Comparing the 2010-2015 CRNE and the 2013-2015 NCLEX-RN®: Considerations for Nurse Educators in Canada” provides Canadian educators with information about...More The “Considerations Regarding the 2015 NCLEX-RN® for Canadian Nurse Educators” is one page information brief highlighting the information the educators...MoreEffects of International Student Cap on Schools of Nursing
CRNE to NCLEX-RN® Powerpoint
Comparing the 2010-2015 CRNE and the 2013-2015 NCLEX-RN®: Considerations for Nurse Educators in Canada
Considerations Regarding the 2015 NCLEX-RN® for Canadian Nurse Educators