CASN Community Health Interest Group Webinar – Strengthening Community Health Nursing Education in Canada

REGISTER Presenters: Karen Curry, RN – Dalhousie University Dr. Tanya Sanders, RN – Thompson Rivers University School of Nursing Dr....More
Nursing Retention Toolkit – A Primer for Nursing Students, Nursing Faculty, and Nurse Educators

Free webinar! Nursing retention requires actions in all sectors, including nursing education. This webinar is aimed at improving nursing retention...More
The Nurse’s Role in Supporting Reproductive Justice with Indigenous Peoples

Date and Time: Thursday, March 13th from 2:00 – 3:30pm ET This webinar will explore barriers to accessing abortion care...More
The nurse’s professional responsibility in providing gender-inclusive and intersectional affirming abortion care

REGISTER Date and Time: Thursday, February 13th from 2:00 – 3:00pm ET This webinar will discuss gender inclusivity from an...More
Course and Webinar Proposal

The Canadian Nurse Educators Institute (CNEI) offers professional development courses and webinars for nurse educators to further ongoing learning and...More
The nurse’s role in sexual health, reproductive care and abortion care

Date and Time: Tuesday, November 26th from 3:30 – 5pm ET This free webinar will examine RN and NP role...More
WEBINAR: Integrating Virtual Reality into Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum: A Comprehensive Approach to Enhancing Education and Practice at the University of Manitoba

Ce webinaire est offert en anglais seulement. Description: The University of Manitoba’s College of Nursing VR program team is proud...More
What if we prepared nursing students for the ‘raw-edges of nursing life’ from the very beginning? A question of innovation and primary prevention

Description In this presentation, we utilize ‘Design Thinking’ built on Marion Leary’s webinar Rethinking Innovation in Nursing Leadership (2023, May...More
Avancées en formation infirmières: comment évaluer des manuscrits de manière efficace et efficiente

En français seulement Description : Un atelier interactif conçu pour soutenir d’actuels et de nouveaux pairs réviseurs de manuscrits soumis...More
Quality Advancement in Nursing Education: How to review manuscripts effectively and efficiently

Description: An interactive workshop designed to support the new and current peer reviewers of research and discussion manuscripts submitted to...More