The New Special Edition of QANE-AFI is available!
The new special edition of QANE-AFI is available: Volume 10, Issue 4 (2024): Planetary Health and Well-Being in Nursing Education...More
Announcing the 2016 Faculty Interprofessional eHealth Award
Announcing the 2016 Faculty Interprofessional eHealth Award Canada Health Infoway (Infoway) in partnership with the Association of Faculties of Medicine...More
Dr. Jacinthe Pepin is the 2015 CASN Pat Griffin Scholar Award winner!
CASN is pleased to announce that the 2015 Pat Griffin Scholar Award winner is Dr. Jacinthe Pepin The winner of...More
Congratulations to the winners of the 2015 CASN Awards!
Award for Academic Administrative Excellence Dianne Tapp, University of Calgary Award for Excellence in Nursing Education (NON-TENURED) Shannon Redmond, Langara...More
CASN Council Meeting 2015
ALL NURSING ADMINISTRATIVE LEADERS AND FACULTY INVITED The Council meeting is an excellent opportunity for ALL nursing administrative leaders and...More
Nursing Education Policy Intern (4 week unpaid position)
CASN/ACESI (Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing/Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières) is the national voice for nursing education,...More
University of Saskatchewan Faculty Recognized for Interprofessional eHealth Award
February 24, 2015 (Toronto) – Children living in northern Canada are receiving the preventative health, vision and dental interventions they...More
CASN Salutes the life of Dr. Helen Glass O.C., O.M., Ed.D., L.L.D. (Hon)., D.Sc. (Hon)
Officer of the Order of Canada, recipient Dr. Helen Glass has passed away. Nursing Education has lost one of its...More
Announcing the nomination period for the 2015 Annual Pat Griffin Scholar Award
In recognition of the importance of the research currently underway in nursing education, CASN offers an annual award to an...More
Human Resources for Health Project in Bangladesh
Entry-to-Practice Competencies for Nurse-Midwives in Bangladesh The HRH Project and the Government of Bangladesh are using a multi-faceted approach to...More